
“If you can’t even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?
Jordan B. Peterson


Hello. You have reached a website that really is ambitious but slow to take off. Just look at when this domain name ( was first registered. I’ll cut the long story of multiple attempts to launch this website/blog. I have personally wanted to log my thoughts to the world without any agenda or filter.

Here’s what will likely happen…

1) Some sort of real-time thought
dump of current affairs

I don’t want a structured blog anymore. But somewhere to write down 500 wordish pieces that indicate where my head is at on a topic. Whenever. Wherever. Weekly? Maybe.

2) A place to challenge autism, neurodiveristy and whatever else in society.
GrokAI generated image - “generate me an image that represents autism” > “apply the image on a person”

Neurodiversity as a…

  • concept.
  • activist movement.
  • medal to tell people you have SUPER POWERS.
  • set of solutions sold to you by human resources.

Sucks. Balls.

It assumes lots of things about Autism and its related conditions (as the central pillar) are constant. Can be solved by some magical actions and by worse virtue asks people to accomdate without negotiation. Hence individuals with questionable claims of diagnosis asking for no demands on them.

Autism is far from constant. In reality, Autism describes someone who is stuck or attracted to constants (in the ordered part of the brain) in an inconsistent, incoherent manor. Much detached from the social norms of the everyday person.

Without giving too much away here, I want to put neurodiversity away. Sent down the proverbial well and giving the DSM-IV definitions a new spin. Asperger’s needs to come back as a term/concept.